Jon Avidor

Trademark Case Roundup

As we recently reported in our blog post Disparaging Trademark or Reclaimed Slur? The Supreme Court Weighs In, the high court ruled 8-0 in Matal v. Tam that the Lanham Act’s ban on disparaging marks was an unconstitutional violation of the First...

Benefit Corporations and Purpose-Driven Commerce

 “Brands and consumers will continue to come together to form a more cohesive and fluid business ecosystem….The new era of business is about creating enterprises that work together in tandem to drive commerce that matters.” – Billee Howard, We-Commerce...

(Trade)Marking Your Territory

A strong trademark or service mark can become a valuable asset for your business, so when you come up with a great name or memorable tagline for your product or service, it makes sense to register the trademark. Common...

You, Me, and 83(b)

Imagine you’re at a cocktail party with a circle of sophisticated, seasoned startup investors and you get caught in a conversation about 83(b) elections, finding yourself completely out of your depth. What you do next is critical: First, get...

Legal Alert for Online Service Providers

On December 1, 2016, the U.S. Copyright Office rolled out its new electronic registration system and directory for registered agents under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). This shift from paper filings to an online platform requires any service...