Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Series : How to Hire the Right Tech Team


Masur Griffitts

Thank you for joining us at the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Series at WeWork Soho South! MG+  joined Asha Saxena, professor at Columbia University and CEO of Future Technologies Inc and Dasmer Singh, product manager at Venmo. Asha and Dasmer discussed the ins and outs of building a strong tech team for your start up and explained how to expand your networking platform in different sectors and industries.

Asha Saxena is a professor at Columbia University and CEO of Future Technologies Inc.. She is also an entrepreneur in residence at Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center and was rewarded NJBIZ’s Best 50 Women in Business award. The premise of her discussion was about how to hire the right tech team for your company.

Dasmer Singh is currently enrolled at Stanford’s Business School and is the project manager for Venmo, which has skyrocketed over the past couple of years. He constructed and completed a bulk of the coding that went into the Venmo app. And throughout his talk, Dasmer went over the workflows of project management and how to make sure your tech team is productive and efficient enough to bring your ideas to the real world.

The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp and these guest speakers were here to help you and your team overcome problems you may face when beginning your startup company. This specific series focused on ensuring you how to hire and pick the best fit tech team that will help you bring your idea to life. MG+ is excited that you were able to hear these speakers talk about their companies and how they were able to build their ideas and turn them into successful startups.

Tickets are available at Eventbrite.