MG+Panel: German American Chamber Of Commerce in New York



On November 7th, MG+ Senior Partner Steven Masur is moderating a panel at the Consulate General of Germany German Mission as part of a conference for German businesses involved in event production, touring, ticketing, content licensing and acquisition. This panel is part of a delegation trip for German companies from the event and concert industry who will be visiting New York City and Los Angeles from November 6th-10th. Representatives will meet with local industry leaders and research institutions to exchange ideas and lay the groundwork for future cooperation along with strategic partnership opportunities.

About the Panel:

Growth Opportunities, Legal Roadmaps, and Market Differentiators: From Germany to the United States 

The United States is known as one of the most profitable markets for touring, concerts, live events, and content acquisition. While there is a lot of opportunity, there are also many specific legal paths companies must take to operate; especially foreign entities and brands. In addition to this, there are unique market differentiators that are specific to the US for reaching target audiences, building communities and engaging with consumers. In this panel, MG+ Senior Partner Steven Masur will discuss the legal path to operating in the US. He will be joined by investor and marketing professional David Wingate and Ritesh Patel, CEO of Ticket Fairy, a touring and concert ticket platform; who will discuss unique opportunities and pain points for operating in the US.


About the participants:

Agenda Production International is an event and production company for creative full service capabilities and among the leading entertainment industry agencies in Europe. Their product and service spectrum ranges from the conception up to the realization of over 400 performances per year in dance, music and entertainment.

C2Concerts is focused on organizing gigs and shows as well as promoting concerts, tours and events all over Germany and acts as a full service event-planning agency. Since 2013, the Stuttgart based company has also been producing musicals for children and families.

As one of the leading companies in tour production, Showservice Int. is pursuing a very high quality standard, to create a high-class but at the same time affordable cultural program for over 20 years now. All of their musical productions will turn into a one of a kind experience, because of up-to-date topics and professional work in front and behind the curtains and are currently being distributed within Europe.

PMS Crew Support is a professional personnel service provider specialized in the events industry. The company covers most staffing demands of the following event types: concerts, major events, stage and tent construction, trade fair construction, industrial customers’ events, film, television and media productions. The company’s target partners are tour and concert promoters as well as artist and event agencies which are looking for a reliable partner in Europe. PMS would either provide them with the personnel needed or take on the local realization of the project.

Reservix is a leading ticketing company in Germany that supports more than 7,000 organizers in the areas of concerts, sports, theater, tourism, touring and trade fairs. Reservix is a full-service provider and develops individual 360 ° solutions for its customers through all sales channels.

Satis&Fy has solidified its position as a leading international provider of cutting-edge event and media technology, scenic design, and room-in-room solutions. Encompassing a perfect blend of unconventional ideas, the spirit of innovation and the courage to take the path less traveled. The company acts as contact for all services which arise with a professional event production.

Schokopro works in many areas in the event production field such as media technology, scenic design and communication.Their USP is offering one-stop services with an experienced and passionate in house personnel. Schokopro produces events for both the entertainment industry (such as band concerts) and big corporations.